Percentage Calculator

Convert Percent to decimal

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Formula: decimal × 100 = result %  

Convert Percent to decimal

Input Fields %
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Formula: percent/100 = result  

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Formula: ppm/10,000 = result%  

Input Fields Enter fraction: /
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Formula: X/Y × 100 = result %

The Formulas

Convert percent to decimal

Formula: percent/100  

Convert decimal to percent

Formula: Decimal × 100  

To transform decimal to a percentage, multiply the decimal number by 100 and then add the percent sign. If you need to convert a decimal to a percent, shift the decimal point two spots to the right and then, insert the percent sign.

To transform decimal to a percentage, multiply the decimal number by 100 and then add the percent sign.

  • For example, 0.20 multiplied by 100 equals 20%.
  • For instance, 0.465 multiplied by 100 equals 46.5 %.

To turn a decimal to a percent, relocate the decimal point two positions to the right and insert the percent sign as a shortcut formula.

0.6 expressed as a percentage as follows:

The following is the formula for converting a decimal to a percent:

  • To convert 0.6 to a percentage, use the following formula:
  • "Percent" refers to "per 100" or "and over 100." To convert 0.6 to percent, rewrite it as "per 100" or over 100.
  • Multiply 0.5 by 100/100 to get the answer. We are merely multiplying by one without adjusting the number of our number because 100/100 = 1.

(0.6/100) x (100/100) = 60 / 100

Which corresponds to 60 per 100, 60 percent or 60%.

Another method to convert decimal to percent is below:
Here, the numerator and denominator must be multiplied by 100. It is done to determine an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.

0.6 x (100 / 100)

= (0.6 x 100) x (1/100)= 60/100

Again, it corresponds to 60 %

Why we do that?

Actually, when we use %, we also should know that there is a hidden 100 there. Consider it through a concrete example. When you convert decimal to percent with 50%, imagine 100 units can fill the box. And you want to say that it is half full.

You can express this statement in multiple ways, such as:

0.5 of the box is full, half of the box is full, 50/100 of box is full or %50 is full.

There is a hidden 100 when converting decimal to a percent. Keep in mind!